Tuesday, August 21

House Hunting

Yesterday I began my house search. Some of the houses were pretty nice. A couple were pretty gross. All in all I was really happy with the day. This used to be a grocery store.

Tuesday, August 14

Three Blooms!

This summer my night blooming cereus had three blooms. I am so proud!

Sunday, August 12


After seeing tote bags in the stores this weekend that were too expensive and not exactly what i would want anyway I made this. I have yet to produce something that really lives up to my expectations. This bag ended up being a little too grandma for me but hey, I can't run from it forever so I might as well just accept that I'm a nerd.

The doll quilt fell victim to the heat wave. If the weather stays nice I intend to get back to it. I have been pretty excited to try the hand stitched binding again. Such satisfaction!