Monday, February 25

Ruffles Demystified

So I have a list of sewing to-do projects that I am diligently working through. One is a mini-dream project based on a super girly, ruffled laundry bag I saw in Blueprint magazine awhile back. The real bag costs $40+ so obviously I have to make my own. So I killed 1 1/2 birds with one stone this weekend. I finally got the balls to try ruffles and marked off another project all at once. This misshapen mess is my new scrap bag with my first prototype ruffles. I didn't hem the raw edges because, hey, it is my scrap bag and I was too lazy. But the ruffles were actually quite simple I just maxed out my thread tension and stitch length and then quickly sewed a line up the edge of each extra long strip. It looks a little cuter in real life but absolutely too huge for my one bedroom apartment.

1 comment:

Nothing said...

u read faster than me :|