Sunday, February 25

New bag

I have been searching for a new bag for awhile because my current one isn't quite big enough to carry my lunch to work and I never have room for my new digital camera either. So I stumbled across tinyhappy's shoulder bag tutorial
and ran out the JoAnn's as fast as I could. Her pattern was really easy and the bag looks great! I added a padded camera pocket so I can always have it with me without worrying. I am excited to start using it! I want to make more! Send me your orders! I may start offering it in my etsy store and maybe someone will finally buy something from me.

1 comment:

Nothing said...

Yes! Sell these. I'm going to make one, too, but maybe even BIGGER, because I like to carry around a bunch of books...

Also, I can't tell if you're a really great photographer, or a great chef. Either way, the food looks yummy.