Saturday, March 3

fried fish, beans

Not together but separately. I love them both very much. However, my love for fried fish and everything else fried and really, if I'm being honest, every other type of food has more than caught up with me so that I have gained a lot of weight. I even bought a scale to prove it to myself every time I walk into the bathroom. So the fish was a bad choice of food but the beans were not. White beans dressed with red wine vinegar, a bit of extra virgin olive oil, and mixed with chopped onion and some tuna. Spinach was what I had to fill it out. It really was good.

I have just started reading Mrs. Beeton's Household Management (abridged) and came across this intriguing recipe: toast sandwich. A piece of toast between slices of buttered bread. A favorite among the invalids. No wonder they couldn't get out of bed. It is an amazing book. Apparently it is the much overlooked culinary/house keeping classic, but also a fantastic feat of organization and writing. Hopefully that is true and reading it will make up for all the crap mystery novels I have been devouring lately

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