Tuesday, March 27

Sloppy! Joe!

I grew up in a pretty healthy house. We ate vegetables and tofu. We didn't have salt and my parents are probably still using the same sugar from 1982. The cooking certainly wasn't amazing but I was also healthy and at a normal weight and also still had a future. But now I am grown up and can do what I want which translates into sloppy joe sandwiches for dinner and then lunch and possible lunch again tomorrow. I console myself with "at least it was homemade, not canned (yet!)" Even if it was, sloppy joes at home is quite possibly the best thing ever. I had chips with it too but just couldn't bring myself to photograph that part because there is still a tiny voice inside me saying, No! Stop! Don't eat that too!

1 comment:

Nothing said...

Yes. I'm sewing the dress myself. Which Borders do you work at? I'll be home this weekend and might "stop" by to say hi. Also, I love Sloppy Joe's.